Bootstrap tables

Bootstrap provides a range of pre-designed styles and components for creating tables that are responsive and visually appealing. Here are some of the key features of Bootstrap tables:

  1. Basic table: Bootstrap provides a class called “table” that can be used to create a basic table with horizontal dividers between rows and vertical dividers between columns.
  2. Striped table: Bootstrap provides a class called “table-striped” that adds alternating background colors to rows, making it easier to read large tables.
  3. Bordered table: Bootstrap provides a class called “table-bordered” that adds borders to the table and its cells.
  4. Hoverable table: Bootstrap provides a class called “table-hover” that adds a highlight effect to table rows when they are hovered over with the mouse.
  5. Responsive table: Bootstrap provides a class called “table-responsive” that enables tables to be horizontally scrollable on smaller screens, making it easier to read large tables on mobile devices.
  6. Table head and footer: Bootstrap provides classes for styling the table head and footer sections separately from the table body.
  7. Contextual classes: Bootstrap provides classes for adding contextual styles to table rows and cells, such as “table-success” for a success message or “table-danger” for an error message.

To create a Bootstrap table, you can use the HTML “table” element and add the relevant Bootstrap classes to create the desired style. For example, here is the HTML code for a basic Bootstrap table:

<table class="table">
        <th>First Name</th>
        <th>Last Name</th>