What are the building blocks of Angular?

Angular is a powerful framework for building single-page web applications. The building blocks of Angular can be divided into several categories:

  1. Modules: Angular applications are organized into modules, which are containers for related code such as components, services, directives, and pipes. Each module declares a set of components, services, directives, and pipes that are used within that module.
  2. Components: Components are the building blocks of Angular applications. A component represents a part of the user interface and consists of a TypeScript class that defines the component’s properties and methods, and an HTML template that defines the component’s structure and layout.
  3. Templates: Templates define the structure and layout of a component’s view. Angular’s template syntax allows you to bind component properties to HTML elements, create and display dynamic content, and respond to user events.
  4. Directives: Directives are markers on HTML elements that tell Angular to attach a specific behavior to that element or its children. Angular has two types of directives: structural directives, which change the structure of the HTML, and attribute directives, which change the appearance or behavior of an element.
  5. Services: Services are reusable components that provide functionality to other parts of an application. Services are typically used for tasks such as fetching data from a server, logging, or authentication.
  6. Dependency Injection: Dependency Injection is a design pattern that Angular uses to provide components with the services they need. Instead of creating services within a component, Angular injects them into the component’s constructor. This makes it easier to write and test components, and allows services to be shared across the entire application.
  7. Pipes: Pipes are a feature in Angular that allow you to transform data before it is displayed in a view. Pipes can be used for a variety of tasks such as filtering, sorting, formatting, and translating data.

By combining these building blocks, you can create powerful and dynamic web applications with Angular.