What are the lifecycle hooks of Angular?

Lifecycle hooks in Angular are methods that provide a way for a component or directive to react to lifecycle events of Angular, such as initialization, change detection, and destruction. These hooks allow you to perform specific actions at different points during the lifecycle of your component.

There are eight different lifecycle hooks available in Angular:

  1. ngOnChanges: This hook is called when one or more data-bound input properties of a component change.
  2. ngOnInit: This hook is called once when the component is initialized, after the first ngOnChanges.
  3. ngDoCheck: This hook is called during every change detection cycle, allowing you to implement custom change detection logic.
  4. ngAfterContentInit: This hook is called after the component’s content has been projected into its view.
  5. ngAfterContentChecked: This hook is called after every change detection cycle for the component’s content.
  6. ngAfterViewInit: This hook is called after the component’s view has been fully initialized.
  7. ngAfterViewChecked: This hook is called after every change detection cycle for the component’s view.
  8. ngOnDestroy: This hook is called just before the component is destroyed and removed from the DOM.

By using these lifecycle hooks, you can customize the behavior of your component at different points during its lifecycle, and ensure that it behaves as expected.