What is jQuery syntax?

jQuery syntax is the way in which code is written using the jQuery library. It is a set of rules and conventions that govern how jQuery methods and functions are called, how selectors are used to target HTML elements, and how the code is structured.

The basic syntax of a jQuery function is as follows:


In this syntax, the $ symbol is a shorthand for the jQuery object, which is used to select and manipulate HTML elements. The selector is used to target the specific HTML element(s) that the method will be applied to. The method is the jQuery method that will be called on the selected element(s), and it can be used to perform a wide range of operations on the element(s), such as changing their attributes, adding or removing classes, and animating them.

For example, here is a simple jQuery function that changes the background color of all paragraph elements to grey:

  $("p").css("background-color", "grey");

In this example, the $(document).ready() function is used to ensure that the code runs only after the page has finished loading. The $("p") selector is used to target all paragraph elements on the page, and the .css() method is used to change their background color to grey.

Overall, the syntax of jQuery is designed to be intuitive and easy to use, allowing developers to quickly and efficiently create dynamic web pages and applications.